National Security Letters

If you wanna know, how 1984 is working right now or why your internet service provider or webhoster doesn’t have the balls to stand up against governments data-mining of your personal data: Here is one ISP that has the balls to tell you the truth:

Personally spoken, I do agree that privacy issues with big companies like Google or Facebook is a problem. But there is no way about discussing them and their obligations as long as we allow all governments  and secret services to be above the law and get any data nevertheless in secrecy. And there is no doubt in my mind, that this is going on a in a huge scale. To me, much more frightening then any company I at least have some control over what data i’d give them.

Watch it. It’s a good example of how fascist and orwellian our society has already become, how some of their minions fullfill their duty without any much reflection of civil and human rights and how just three persons out of over 200.000 stand up against it. Again a great reminder that we shouldn’t let history repeat itself this time.

0 Gedanken zu “National Security Letters”

  1. Womit man wieder mal sieht, wie wichtig es ist, daß Richter keine Beamten sein dürfen, sondern gewählt werden müssen. In Deutschland wäre der Richter gezwungen gewesen, die Klage abzuweisen, wenn das Justizministerium ihn dergestalt anweist. Was definitiv sehr bedenklich ist, ist das scheinbar völlig fejhlende politische KOntrolle der Geheimdienste und Polizei/ERmittlungsbehörden. sie tendieren dann dazu, einen autoritären Parallelstaat zu schaffen, der über Dienstanweisungen und Durchführungsverordnungen versucht. die Hoheit über die Gesetzesinterpretation an sich zu reißen.

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